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What experience do you have in the insurance industry?
Gary Opolsky has been assisting professionals and business owners with their insurance needs for over 30 years and has completed an MBA (Finance).
David Louis has been in the insurance industry for well over 20 years, originally in South Africa and more recently for over 12 years in Canada.

What can you do for me?
We help answer the question, “What if?”
With our combined over 50 years’ experience in the insurance industry and formal education focused on Finance, we are well positioned to properly assess a client’s insurance requirements and create a customized portfolio which addresses all your concerns. Then if the unexpected happens, your coverage will respond financially in the way you want, when you need it.
In addition, we take the time to explain the coverage in detail so that you understand exactly what you have and can be completely confident that you are properly and adequately protected.

How can you help me to determine what insurance I should have?
If you are young and single, we might begin with just Disability Insurance. As your financial and family situation changes, we review the plan with you and adjust it accordingly. So, for example, if you purchase a home, get married and have children, then Life Insurance and Group Benefits might be required. As you age, we would consider adding Critical Illness and Long-Term Disability Insurance to your portfolio.
The coverages in your portfolio would then respond as required when the unexpected happens. For example, if you become ill or have an accident which results in you being unable to work and earn income, then your Disability Insurance would step in and provide the financial resources you need to continue to pay your bills. If you have a family and a mortgage and/or other debt, should you die unexpectedly then your Life Insurance would step in to ensure that your family is financially protected. If you or your family requires certain health and medical products and services, a Group Benefits plan would step in and cover those costs. Should you become critically ill or disabled in some manner, Critical Illness or Long-Term Disability Insurance would step in and ensure that neither you nor your family suffer financial hardship as a result of the huge expenses that could result from that type of situation.

What if I have to make an insurance claim?
The real test comes if the client has to make a claim and that is another area where we shine!
The first time someone has to make a claim it can be a bit overwhelming, particularly if the person is ill. We understand how difficult it can be and therefore we always assist with the completion of the Claim Form and ensure that the entire process is seamless, which can greatly affect the speed and efficiency with which a claim gets settled. The client can then relax and concentrate on the process required to recover, knowing that everything on the insurance claim side is being handled properly.
In fact, Gary himself has had experience in dealing with insurers not just from the broker’s point of view but also personally from the claimant’s point of view, having gone through the claims process three different times on his own behalf. This was a huge learning experience and gives him a unique advantage in relating to the client’s situation.